Jedem das Seine
Эрика Вайс - Амон Гет, Шейлин Айвз - Оскар Шиндлер. (по версии фильма)
1943-1945, Краков, Плашув, Брюнлиц.
Обычно на людские жизни и души играют боги. Однако история этого мира знает несколько переломных моментов, когда по разным сторонам шахматной доски оказывались вовсе не боги, а сами люди.
[NIC] Oskar Schindler[/NIC]
[STA] Дед Мазай. German style. [/STA]
- There's no way I could have known this before, but there was always something missing. In every business I tried, I can see now it wasn't me that had failed. Something was missing. Even if I'd known what it was, there's nothing I could have done about it, because you can't create this thing. And it makes all the difference in the world between success and failure.
- Luck?
- War.[/SGN]
Отредактировано Шейлин Айвз (2013-04-17 09:27:03)